This is getting out of hand, now there are two of them! ("them", I mean shitty star wars films,or just films, far worse than midichlorian and Jar Jar Binks combined. And they think we deserve this fabulous shit. Look at the RT meter, small wonder why they thought so.
【萌白酱高潮喷水jk小仙女】集浪漫、阴谋和现实宿命三重力量的黑片教科书片名好贴切越要与过去一刀两断的人越是会被卷入过去的漩涡挣扎于过往的羁绊不见明日黑色电影中的人物徐若瑄天使三部曲未删减从来就没有人可以out of the past各色人物间的互相背叛也如一条无形的锁链紧扣着每个人物的命运黑片的强大宿命感显露无遗